Dienstag, 17. März 2009

Two Skateboarders Attacked in Portland, Oregon

Fuck, was für Arschlöcher es gibt...und dank dem tollen Amerikanischen Gesundheitssystem kann der Dude froh sein wenn er nächstes Jahr das Essen nicht mehr zum Strohhalm reinsaugen muss...

Late Friday night in Portland, Oregon, skateboarders Clay Hunt and Taylor Appelo (Devin Appelo’s brother) were attacked by four men as they waited at a Max stop on their way home. Both were attacked for no reason and beaten senselessly with their own skateboards. The four attackers bragged about being drunk and told Clay and Taylor “That they were in the wrong place at the wrong time!”
Taylor Appelo was beaten so badly that his jaw had been broken in three different spots and wired shut. He also suffered a broken rib and the loss of five of his teeth.
Sadly, Taylor is 20 years old and doesn’t have medical insurance. A charity fund for Taylor Appelo will soon be in place, more information will be available shortly. To learn more about this story, click here. From everyone at SKATEDAILY.net, speedy recovery guys. Hopefully the attackers will be found and justice will be served!

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